Retrospective exhibition. Exhibited at the TOP museum, Tokyo, Japan
【動画】講演会「深瀬昌久 作家活動30年の軌跡」
YouTube Video of the lecture by Tomo Kosuga about Masahisa Fukase’s photographic expression hold on March 3 (only in Japanese)
Masahisa Fukase 1961-1991 Retrospective, 2023
This book “Masahisa Fukase 1961-1991 Retrospective” boasts a substantial assemblage of works, including major Fukase works, such as “Yūgi (Homo Ludence)”, “Yōko”, “Karasu (Ravens)”, “Sasuke”, “Kazoku (Family)”, and “Bukubuku”.
Kill the Pig, 2021
In 1961 Masahisa Fukase’s first solo exhibition Kill the Pig was held in Tokyo. The exhibition consisted of two series of photographs: one titled ‘Kill the Pig’ and another series titled ‘Naked’.
Sasuke, 2021
Following the survey monograph, this publication is dedicated to Masahisa Fukase’s emblematic series on his two cats: Sasuke and Momoe, combining unpublished and iconic images.
Hallucinating Lenses, 2021
An exhibition at The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, Japan.
Golden Age, 2020
Group exhibition. Exhibited at Three Shadows Photography Art Center, Beijing, China. Travelled to Three Shadows Xiamen Photography Art Centre and Chengdu Contemporary Image Museum, China.
Sasuke T-shirts, 2020
Sasuke are incorporated into the T-shirt. This project is an attempt to revive Fukase’s work by putting it on T-shirts.
Family, 2019
Exhibition for book launch. Exhibited at Taka Ishii Gallery Tokyo viewing room, Tokyo, Japan
Color Approach, 2019
Portfolio. Benrido has made the first-ever edition prints from Masahisa Fukase’s series “Color Approach”.
Family, 2019
Photo book. The series “Family” (Kazoku) begins with a photograph of the family studio and the following 31 images are family portraits made in the studio in chronological order.
Private Scenes, 2019
Retrospective exhibition. Exhibited at 10 Corso Como by The Fondazione Sozzani, Milan, Italy
Chromophotographic Game, 2018
Retrospective exhibition. Exhibited at FUJIFILM SQUARE, Tokyo, Japan
Raven Scenes, 2018
Portfolio. Benrido has made the first ever edition prints from Fukase’s Raven Scenes. The works include 8 images which have been printed in a limited edition of 5 prints each.
Masahisa Fukase, 2018
First retrospective book. This monograph brings together for the very first time all of his artistic work presented over 26 series.
Private Scenes, 2018
Retrospective exhibition. Exhibited at Foam Fotografiemuseum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Private Scenes, 2018
Portfolio set. This portfolio accompanies the release of Masahisa Fukase’s monograph published by Éditions Xavier Barral. This includes five collotype prints produced by Benrido on Torinoko Washi paper.
Play, 2018
Retrospective exhibition. Exhibited at Kondaya Genbei (Kyotographie), Kyoto, Japan
l’incurable égoïste, 2017
Retrospective exhibition. Exhibited at PALAIS DE L’ARCHEVÊCHÉ, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, France
Ravens, 2017
Photo book. The coastal landscapes of Hokkaido serve as the backdrop for his profoundly dark and impressionistic photographs of ominous flocks of crows. The work has been interpreted as an ominous allegory for postwar Japan.
Hibi, 2016
Photo book. Each of the black and white images painstakingly attend to the road’s surface – the worn road-markings, the fading lines and arrows eroded by the city’s innumerable inhabitants, a web of fissures in the asphalt.
Performing for the Camera, 2016
Group exhibition. Exhibited at Tate Modern, London, England.
Another Language, 2015
Group Exhibition. Exhibited at Eglise Sainte-Anne, Les Rencontres d’Arles, Arles, France.
The Incurable Egoist, 2015
Retrospective exhibition. Exhibited at Diesel Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan