Masahisa Fukase, 2018

Hardcover, 19,5 x 26 cm
Three language editions: Japanese, English, and French
Texts and supervised by Tomo Kosuga
Introduction by Simon Baker
350 color and B&W photographs
416 pages

This monograph brings together for the very first time all of his artistic work presented over 26 series, including the ones dedicated to his father (Memories of Father); without forgetting his series on cats, including his own, Sasuke; and his famous self-portraits taken in a bathtub, with a waterproof camera (‘Bukubuku’) or in pairs (‘Berobero’) touching tongues, which he later colored.

Japanese edition is available on AKAAKA (日本語版は赤々舎より発売中)

English & French editions are available on Atelier EXB